etherFAX SEN
etherFAX Secure Exchange Network
From its inception, the etherFAX service was designed as a virtual document/fax transport that allows remote clients to experience a real-time fax experience that seamlessly integrates with popular fax server software and other fax applications. Part of the service design was the ability to route documents to other etherFAX client/ peers within the etherFAX network. That is, to enable fax send and receive operations without ever traversing external telephone carriers network; this was known as “in-network routing”. etherFAX possesses this ability since it operates much like a phone company as it does to provide a virtual fax transport.
As security and compliance become increasingly important to organizations in banking, finance, healthcare, and other information-sensitive industries, the ability to securely send information between the sender and receiver is essential. etherFAX provides a very simple and unique approach to secure content delivery since all means of communication are already strongly secured between the remote client site and the etherFAX network.
One of the key reasons security systems fail (using complicated encryption, etc.) is due to the fact that they are often cumbersome to use, deploy, and manage. To illustrate this example, consider even a simple e-mail client configured to use PGP or some other forms of encryption on a routine basis when sending and receiving messages. While it indeed “works,” the problem becomes one of adoption due to complexity.
With etherFAX’s SEN at the core of document transport, etherFAX customers can now take advantage of secure document delivery with any other etherFAX customer. etherFAX also marks SEN transactions as SENt for reporting and compliance purposes.
To help complement the services further, etherFAX offers its customers the use of Black and White lists placing further restrictions on the flow of secure information.
- Easy to deploy - Secure data transport - End-to-end encryption - 100% guaranteed delivery | - Complete audit trail - Fully supports all data compliance requirements - No certifications needed - Application- and device-agnostic |

- The etherFAX remote client establishes a secure connection to the etherFAX network and delivers an encrypted document plus destination for delivery.
- As the outbound call is placed, the authentication and internal routing mechanism determine if the destination is managed by etherFAX (a customer’s DID, much like a regular phone company) and will redirect the call to the etherFAX client on the receiving side.
- If the destination is a non-etherFAX managed DID, a regular telephone call is placed over a traditional telephone line.
- If the destination is an etherFAX managed DID, the SEN model is used to deliver the fax to the receiving etherFAX client.
- Lastly, the receiving etherFAX remote client begins reception of the SEN request and marks the reception as complete.
Updated about 7 years ago