SMTP Server Settings

Configure the ERIS SMTP server settings.

The SMTP Server Settings are used when ERIS needs to receive an email message from you to send as a fax.


SMTP Server Settings

Enable SMTP server buttonEnables or disables the SMTP Server in ERIS
Host NameThe SMTP Server Host Name
PortsPorts used by the ERIS SMTP Server
Email DomainsEmail domains that are allowed to send emails to the ERIS SMTP server
User NameSMTP Account User name used to log into the ERIS SMTP server
PasswordSMTP Account User password used to log into the ERIS SMTP server
Certificate PathLocal path to the SSL Certificate used for TLS encryption
Certificate PasswordPassword for the SSL Certificate used for TLS encryption
Enable e-mail relay on this server.Enables or disables the SMTP relay ability for the ERIS SMTP server