
Configuring notifications and additional EIM options.

In addition to processing outbound faxes, the EIM may be configured to receive inbound fax documents and allows the user to configure advanced forms of notification. These notifications may be in the form of status files written to a directory, email or invoking a custom application written by the developer.

There are two primary configuration files used by the EIM: the and local.config files. We'll explain each of these in this section.


Queues: Inbound and Outbound

In the section, you may create one or many send queues for outbound fax processing. Though most installations normally use just one default queue, there may be a requirement to separate different types of outbound traffic. If desired, many queues may be created by the user.

Use the path parameter to specify the directory to be used as an outbound send queue. You may also select the types of notifications (comma separated list) using the setting. In this example, the file notification is set.

Note, the keyword {default} is replaced by the default installation directory, making configuration easier.

Though disabled by default, the receive queue may be enabled by setting the online value to "1". If enabled, faxes will be automatically received in the background and stored in the {default}\Inbox directory on your computer's file system.

<!-- send/receive queues -->
		<queue online="1">
		<queue online="0">


When creating notifications, each should have a type specified which may be: file, email or application. Each type of notification has unique parameters that may be set.

Most commonly, the file notification is used that includes the path of where status files should be placed. Since the developer needs to track jobs submitted with actual status file responses created, they may choose the output file pattern to be used. In the element below, the following tokens may be used:

{id}Uses the unique fax job identifier assigned by etherFAX when the job is submitted.
{jobfile}Uses the actual job file name submitted by the developer(without the extension).
{tag}Uses the field from the job file submitted by the developer.
<!-- notifications -->
		<notification id="file">
		<notification id="email">
		<notification id="app">
			<path>c:\myapp.exe {id} {status}</path>

Using Defaults

Using the section, you may set job default attributes if they are omitted in each fax job file placed in an outbound queue.

<!-- fax job defaults -->


If you intend to modify the logging output location or use email notifications, the following two sections may be used.

In this section, use the section to change the file output location. Advanced users familiar with the log4net project may change additional parameters of their choosing. By default, the logger is configured to create 4 rolling backups no larger than 2MB each.

<log4net debug="false">
		<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
			<file value="c:\etherFAX\Logs\module.log"/>
			<appendToFile value="true"/>
			<rollingStyle value="Size"/>
			<maximumFileSize value="2MB"/>
			<maxSizeRollBackups value="4"/>
			<staticLogFileName value="true"/>
			<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
				<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level - %message%newline"/>
			<level value="INFO"/>
			<appender-ref ref="FileAppender"/>

In this section, use the parameters to set the email host, port, password and other email security features.

			<smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="[email protected]">
				<network host="" enableSsl="true" port="587" password="" userName=""/>


Configuration Changes

Please note that any time changes are made to the configuration files, the EIM service must be restarted using the Services control panel application.

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